Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Work & Pinging!!!!

ARG!! I feel like Dilbert - only perhaps I really mean the pointy haired woman. What is it with co-workers who tease you? Hmm?

And Pinging. Pinging is not a word! Two of the girls (D&G) here keep accusing me of Pinging. WTF?
Apparantly to Ping is to change the content of the conversation with no apparent logical link.
An example;
This morning while talking to my boss about his upcoming ski trip, we were discussing ski attire. Gloves, ski pants, goggles, stocks, poles etc.
I mentioned how quite a few shops have sales on in Sydney (York St) even though we are at the beginning of our winter. I happened to find a gorgeous pair of pink ski pants on the weekend and I told my boss so. I'm quite excited about these pants as they will co-ordinate with my ski jacket better than my current ski pants (boo hoo black). No more than a moment passes before D&G start agreeing that I have Pinged! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Beautiful Sydney

Originally uploaded by Squeezysk.
Ah, Beautiful Sydney. I'll be leaving it behind soon. It makes me want to go do all the touristy things you forget about. Like Taronga Zoo and going to the AFL.
Speaking of the AFL, I went to the Sydney Swans game on Saturday night. And it poured with rain the whole time! Well until I gave up and went home (in the final quarter). Sadly the Swans lost by two points after a gallant comback of fifteen points down!!
It was a brilliant weekend for sport -even with my favourite team losing :(
I saw Australia v England in the Rugby Union, and really enjoyed the smashing victory posted by the Wallabies!!! It would have helped England if they hadn't given away so very many penalties - however they still would have lost the game. Yeah Wallabies!
To finish this fine weekend of sport - was the first game of the World Cup for Australia and we won!! WoooT So proud of our socceroos! Not sure about the mascot though...
Tired now after reliving that weekend.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Somthing Pink!

This beautiful hibiscus flower was blooming on a terribly hot day, next to the Mekong River in Luang Prabang. It was so lovely I had to take a photo!

A couple of images from Laos

Luang Prabang: Part of a Wat

The morning procession for alms by the Monks of Luang Prabang.

Luang Prabang: Wat Mai Suwannaphumaham (not sure that I have the correct temple name).

Vientiane: The Patuxai

Vientiane: Pha That Luang - the icon of Vientiane

Vientiane: Mike walking out to board the far to early flight to Pakse.

Last year, I went on holiday to Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos!
It was a brilliant trip - just not long enough.

In Laos, we started in Luang Prabang then travelled to Vientienne and on to Pakse.

We braved ordering this dish in Luang Prabang in a restaurant that hung over the river. It's a beef and chilli stir fry.
I thought
we'd have no trouble with those huge chilli's...
They're hot, oh so Hot! Just like the whole trip really.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I'm going to South Korea!

Whooo Hoooo!
Fantastic News for me!!!
I'm moving to South Korea to teach English!
I've quit my job and am looking forward to exploring South Korea - ski field by ski field!
This is how I plan to be for the next 12 months.

This is all so exciting while being a bit sad. I've been in my current job for seven years and I am quite attached to the familar people, work and place.
So now for something completely different!

Thursday, June 01, 2006



I'm Squeezy and I'm starting this blog so that I can chart my travelling adventures!

Currently top of the travel to list is

South Korea

I'm 29 years old, married to a wonderful man and living in Sydney, Australia.

Most recently viewed movies are The DaVinci Code and X3. I enjoyed both movies for different reasons.
Most recently viewed TV shows are America's Next Top Model (Cycle 6) and Top Gear.

Anyhoos, will post again soon, as I'm trying to get this all set up. So that I can further discuss fashion, food, movies, travelling and the colour Pink (my favourite).
