Friday, March 02, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mike

Today is Mike's Birthday. Someone told him it's unlucky to be 29, so he's made the change to using his Korean age. So here's my birthday card for Mike.


Al said...

Just checking in Squeezy (doctorphibes on the Shite forums).

I'd comment on the more recent stuff, but the 'comment' buttons have gone for a burton...


Squeezy said...

Hey Al/Dr Phibes,

dual identities are such hard work :)
I checked it out and I don't know why the comments button was missing. I even republished one of them but no joy yet.
I've just posted some drivel and now commenting is back,
So thanks for checking out my blog!
catch ya lata

Squeezy said...

found it - all sorted on the comments front. still don't know how i turned it off though!