Moving moving
So I haven't blogged much recently. This is partly due to my school blocking blogger - which is pretty darn frustrating.
This makes this post my last on this site.
All future blogging will be at
So I haven't blogged much recently. This is partly due to my school blocking blogger - which is pretty darn frustrating.
This makes this post my last on this site.
All future blogging will be at
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7:04 pm
Rajasthan Adventure Part 1 from Squeezy on Vimeo.
The first 7 days of my trip to Rajasthan in January 2009. We did the GAP Adventures tour: Rajasthan Adventure.
This video covers: Old Delhi, Jodhpur, Ranakpur and Udaipur.
Posted by
10:11 am
Labels: AHRA, India, Rajasthan Adventure, Travel, vacation, video
milk and water mixture (ratio 1:1. I'm guessing 2 cups of milk, 2 cups of water)
1 teaspoon of loose leaf tea (add more if the colour is too light, less if the colour is too dark)
1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar
1 small piece of cinnamon
2 or 3 Green cardamon
2 cloves
2 or 3 black pepper corns
1 small piece of ginger (1 cm in length approximately)
1. Put the milk and water mixture in a saucepan on medium-high heat to boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Add in the tea. Do not cover.
2. Put all the spices in a mortar and pestle and pulverize. If you think it's done then smash for a minute longer. Look for the ginger to be broken down (not a single piece anymore).
3. Add the sugar and the cinnamon to the saucepan of boiling milk/water.
4. Then add the pulverized spices to the saucepan.
5. Stir occasionally.
6. When you judge it ready then strain into serving cups.
This is the recipe as taught to Kat, Megan and myself in Udaipur. We guessed the measurements while furiously recording everything as our teacher eyeballed everything.
Posted by
11:11 pm
Labels: recipe
Have a headache and it's a bit miserable weather wise outside. Wanting to stay in bed today but it's the last full day of vacation. So the big buddah is being delayed - hopefully the weather will cheer up a bit.
Posted by
11:09 am
A day in Hongkers is a day that alternates between bliss and total sensory overload. We've taken the tram to Victoria Peak - so glad that the tram was there as it was really steep. We've wandered around Central on Hong Kong Island, which caters to Ferragamo fanatics, market maniacs and chain store chicas.
We tried some local specialties: milk tea (think over brewed tea with a big splash of milk with optional sugar), stir fried beef and rice noodles (there was a yummy hint of ginger), hot ribena (this was so good I almost stole it from Mike) and baked pork on rice (there was a plain tomato sauce which was surprisingly tasty). So all up I'd say that Hongkers is the culinary equal of Shanghai or Bangkok.
We stayed in our room to watch the laser show, with the radio broadcast and it was pretty darn spectacular! I'd love to video it all but I don't think I have enough time. I'll settle for capturing some flashing buildings and the finale lasers.
After dinner we walked to the temple market and saw lots of stuff but nothing we haven't seen online or in other markets. It was interesting to see and it was wonderfully hassle free.
There are two annoyances on the streets here: Indian tailors or fake watch sellers and foot massage pamphlet pushers. Mike has taken to asking for a suit made from crappy shiney material to deal with the former and I've taken to accepting every pamphlet as the simplest way to deal with the latter. Sadly I'd really love to have a foot massage but I'm yet to see a place that looks even a bit nice - they've all been dodge central. I guess that can be my mission for tomorrow after the big buddah.
Posted by
11:06 am
Today I said goodbye to our new friends and hopped in a cab. During the 45 minute long trip I realized that I didn't feel sad to be leaving India. We saw some brilliant stuff, were visited by the evil bug Delhi Belly more times than was reasonable and made new friends. I just haven't been moved or touched by this country in a good way.
The photos will be stunning - even with my hideous über zit... I tried to avoid being in photos with good reason. My video should be an improvement on previous efforts. But I feel as though India didn't really like us.
So when will we return to India? Not anytime soon. We've been twice now to very different areas and I can't in all honesty say that I loved it. There are too many other cool and exciting places to go.
The flight. Oh Cathay Pacific may you rise up and conquer all inferior airlines so that they too may offer the wonderous economy service that you do. The plane we had was a new one with new seats that were very comfortable. Very, very, very comfy. The food was ok, neuter offensive nor sublime; except the cheesecake that wasn't. Poor Mike the not cheese cake was covered in passionfruit - not his thing really.
So now it's after midnight, local time, in Hong Kong and I'm watching a landscape of shiny twinkling buildings go by from the bus. It brilliant to be somewhere new and exciting again.
Posted by
11:21 am
Labels: AHRA, GAP Adventures, India, Rajasthan Adventure, Travel
Delhi or Mumbai. Everything that I didn't like about Mumbai one year ago- I find that I don't like the same things in Delhi. Over crowded everything, dirty, polluted, over zealously persistent touts, sad street little urchins and beggars.
I'm looking forward to the overnight train ride tonight.
Fortunately I've already been through the massive culture shock so I'm quite blasé and accepting. I'm enjoying myself much more this time.
Today we went to Gurudwara Sisganj ( a Sikh temple) then Jama Masjid (a murgal Muslim Mosque ). Both were interesting and beautiful in their own ways.
Sadly our tour guide then wanted us to go to the same place for lunch that we'd been to dinner last night.
tbc... the story explaining the title will be added shortly
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12:33 am
Labels: AHRA, GAP Adventures, India, Rajasthan Adventure, Travel
We were lucky to land this morning, a thick fog was covering Delhi airport. The pilot said the visibility was only 75 meters and that the taxiing into the terminal would be slow. He wasn't joking, it felt like we spent an hour or so creeping on the runway but was really only 30 minutes. I say we are lucky for 2 reasons. 1 when we alighted from the plane and the cabin door was open, we both looked out through the pilots windscreen and couldn't see much. So thanks to the pilot for a bumpy but safe landing. 2. The local news this morning is reporting that many planes were diverted or delayed. We must have just snuck in! The telling thing about the fog at 2am this morning was that even our taxi driver slowed down and drove with his hazards on. From this I take the fog was really bad.
We met a few people from our tour group over breakfast, which was nice. We get to meet everyone else tonight. Fingers crossed it's a good group.
Posted by
3:16 pm
Labels: AHRA, GAP Adventures, India, Rajasthan Adventure, Travel
Hilariously I managed to buy 2 brand new Samsung batteries for my camcorder for 15,000 won. They are normally 30,000 won and that's a price that I'm happy to pay! Mike & I had spent much of the previous day searching Seoul for these very batteries and couldn't find anyone who stocked them- let alone had a good price!
Hong Kong airport feels very expensive but really it's just more expensive than Incheon -like everywhere else. We really are so spoiled in Korea when it comes to price jacking up. It doesn't seem to happen often and when it does it's a laughable increase.
The food is delicious! We share a Ginger beef noodle soup, some wonderful wontons and some soy rice-noodle with goose. We pretty well burned through 100,000 won in the 4 and a half hours. Easy come, easy go.
I seem to have lost my new eye mask already - darn it. Obviously this is Mike's doing... I just don't know how yet.
Posted by
12:33 am
I'm getting ready for our trip to India and wanting to get back into regular blogging, so I'm testing out Blogwrite lite. So far so good :)
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7:00 pm